Frequently Asked Questions
What vaccinations do my pets need?
Dogs are required to have been seen by a vet within the past year.
Topical flea & tick treatments need to be applied at least 3 days BEFORE arrival.
Rabies, Distemper and
(aka Kennel Cough)
vaccines are required.
Canine Flu vaccine recommended, but not required.
All vaccinations need to be current or administered at least 2 weeks prior to boarding.
Please forward all vaccination records to us before your stay so we may verify the dates. Pets that are not completely vaccinated are cannot be boarded for the safety of all the pets.
CATS Cats are required to have been seen by a vet within the past year. Rabies and Feline Distemper vaccines are required. Panleuk vaccine is recommended, but not required.
All vaccinations need to be current or administered at least 2 weeks prior to boarding.
Please forward all vaccination records to us before your stay so we may verify the dates. Pets that are not completely vaccinated are cannot be boarded for the safety of all the pets.
CATS Cats are required to have been seen by a vet within the past year. Rabies and Feline Distemper vaccines are required. Panleuk vaccine is recommended, but not required.
What can I bring
for my dog?
We provide food bowls, water buckets, bedding, food (We serve IAMS Mini Chunks - Chicken & Whole Grain), treats and toys.
You are welcome to bring one small personal item you feel will make your pet's stay more comfortable. (T-shirt, toy, small blanket - must be easily washable)
Some items may not be suitable/practical and may be returned upon arrival.
Please keep breakable items, rawhides and small items that could possibly cause choking at home.
If your pet needs special food please bring it in a labeled container with instructions.
If your pet needs special food please bring it in a labeled container with instructions.
How long can a pet be boarded?
We have boarded pets for up to 3 months. It is not ideal for any pet to be away from their family for that long, however we realize that in some instances that is the only option. Please call to discuss your needs and we will evaluate the situation and make recommendations.
Will my dog get to play with other dogs?
The simple answer is NO. For the safety of all parties we do not allow the dogs to have physical contact with each other. Even dogs from the same family will on occasion get aggressive with each other in a strange environment. For this reason they can only interact with each other thru the fencing and we do provide ourselves as "playmates".
What can I bring
for my cat?
We provide food & water bowls, bedding, food (We serve Purina Naturals & a variety of wet options), treats and toys.
We provide litter and litter boxes
You are welcome to bring additional items you feel will make your pet's stay more comfortable. (Must be washable) Some items may not be suitable/practical and may be returned upon arrival.
If your pet needs special food please bring it in a labeled container with instructions.
You are welcome to bring additional items you feel will make your pet's stay more comfortable. (Must be washable) Some items may not be suitable/practical and may be returned upon arrival.
If your pet needs special food please bring it in a labeled container with instructions.
Is someone there 24/7?
We live in the house in front of the kennel building.
We are in and out of the kennel throughout the day: feeding, medicating, socializing and letting dogs in/out into the yards for potty & play time.
We are in and out of the kennel throughout the day: feeding, medicating, socializing and letting dogs in/out into the yards for potty & play time.
How is payment handled?
Payment is due at check out. We accept CASH, CHECK, VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER and AMEX.